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What is outsourcing? Today I’ll talk about the outsourcing definition that will make it clear and simple for you to understand, so that you’ll know the areas of your business you can outsource.
Hello again, this is Jozsef Kiss from here in the Philippines.
Before we move on, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you will get more great information on outsourcing to the Philippines.
I think the easiest explanation of outsourcing is as follows.
Outsourcing is the task of hiring an outside vendor, a third party, who will handle specific jobs within your business.
When your business hires and works with a third-party vendor, instead of directly hiring their own staff, then this is called outsourcing.
One advantage of outsourcing is that the vendors you hire will be professionals and experts in the job that they will handle for your organization.
Another advantage, specifically when companies outsource to the Philippines, is the massive cost savings to work with expert staff.
An example of outsourcing is when a business uses a third party call center in the Philippines as their call answering service. Hiring in the Philippines can save a business 2/3rds on the cost to hire staff.
Another example of outsourcing is when businesses hire bookkeepers and accountants in countries like the Philippines so that they can drastically reduce their costs.
Outsourcing works for organizations that need help in areas where vendors can add their expertise.
Outsource with ease and have the confidence to work with us, at Somebody2Hire. We can help you in core areas of your business. Remote staff here in the Philippines can help you in areas where you need it the most. Hire customer service brand ambassadors, technical support agents, and back-office staff here at Somebody2Hire. Our ownership and management are on site here in the Philippines. Connect with me today at and I’ll help you create a team of experts who will drive your business forward and help you scale your customer base.

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