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Today I’ll give you an example of how SaaS companies use outsourcing to the Philippines to help their customers onboard successfully and help retain new customers with a better customer experience.

Hello again, this is Jozsef Kiss from here in the Philippines.

Before we move on, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you will get more great information on outsourcing to the Philippines.

One of our SaaS clients here at Somebody2Hire provides software that’s used for lead generation.

Their software is robust and has a lot of features that might make a customer’s head spin.

Instead of letting new customers sign up and then ask them to figure it all out by themselves, our client instead has the option to have a call with a technical support customer service representative.

The customer service representative asks the important questions such as..
“What is your goal?”

Then the customer service representative can screen share online and show the new customer exactly where and what to do with the service.

New customers don’t have to figure out the software by themselves, especially when some of the service may not be what they are using it for.

By giving every new customer the opportunity to have a one-on-one call with a technical customer service representative, SaaS companies will see a significant increase in customer retention.

Every new SaaS customer should have the opportunity to have a walk through of the product with a live representative to cut down on the learning curve and to have customers use the service immediately.

If you’re a SaaS provider and want to increase customer retention, then Somebody2Hire can help you immediately. Remote staff here in the Philippines can help you in areas where you need it the most.

Hire customer service brand ambassadors, technical support agents, and back-office staff here at Somebody2Hire. Our ownership and management are on site here in the Philippines. Connect with me today at and I’ll help you create a team of experts who will drive your business forward and help you scale your customer base.

Call us @ 1 855 688 7723

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Location: Philippines

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